@(#) Hidden sniffer howto 06 MAR 2000 Rob Thomas robt@cymru.com HOWTO create a hidden sniffer with Solaris While experimenting with some code, I came up with this trick for creating an unseen Solaris sniffer. It is possible, when using snoop(1M), to sniff packets through an unplumb'd interface. The obvious benefit is that the interface can not be detected. Thus, the sniffer remains impervious to detection and attack. I was not able to use snoop(1M) on an unplumb'd interface until the interface had been configured. I suspect that this action loads the necessary module and configures the STREAM. Unfortunately, I have only been able to use snoop(1M) with an unplumb'd interface. The snort(8) tool does not seem to work. I was able to get tcpdump to work with this trick. Here are the steps to run the "unseen" sniffer: ifconfig plumb ifconfig netmask up ifconfig unplumb snoop -d Where: = an interface. I used le0 for the test. = an IP address, any IP address. I used for the test. = a netmask. I used /30 for the test. This sniffer then sits silently, gathering all traffic that is presented on the wire. Interestingly enough, the interface does not respond to any traffic. Even broadcasts -- of every type, e.g. all 1's, network, subnet -- were ignored. Nothing I tried would elicit a response from this unplumb'd interface. Thus, it would appear that struct ifnet is cleared by the unplumb option to ifconfig(1M). This sniffer has already captured quite a bit of...interesting... traffic. ;-) Rob Thomas, robt@cymru.com http://www.enteract.com/~robt ******************************************************* AND ******************************************************* Another tip came from Michael Peters: http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/content/submitted/stealth_ethernet.html All you have to do to make an invisible interface for snooping is: /usr/sbin/ifconfig qfe1 up No IP is associated or even temporarily needed. You will have /etc/hostname.qfe1 without an IP address. If the interface is configured using this method, you will not be applying an actual IP address to it. It will become enabled using as the IP address.