INFODOC ID: 17946 SYNOPSIS: New Kernel Tunables in 2.5.1+ for priority paging DETAIL DESCRIPTION: Solaris 2.6 kernel patch 105181-09, the equivalent x86 patch 105182-09, Solaris 2.5.1 kernel patch 103640-25 and the equivalent x86 patch 103641-25 introduced 2 new tunables: cachefree priority_paging These tunables provide a mechanism to allow priority paging, whereby filesystem pages will be paged out before application, executable, and/or shared library pages. This can provide a significant performance benefit when using applications which perform frequent, random access to filesystem data which is used once and then no longer required, by flushing filesystem pages in preference to other types of pages. By default, priority paging is disabled (priority_paging = 0). It is enabled by adding the following line to the /etc/system file and rebooting: set priority_paging=1 The default value of cachefree depends on the value of the priority_paging tunable. If priority_paging is 0, then cachefree is set equal to lotsfree. If priority_paging=1, then cachefree is set to 2 times lotsfree. When priority paging is enabled and free memory drops below cachefree, the page scanner will start to run, but will only mark pages used for filesystem data for pageout. If freemem drops below lotsfree, the scanning algorithm performs just as it did before this patch, regardless of the setting of priority_paging. cachefree can be adjusted by setting it in the /etc/system file; if the value specified in /etc/system is less than lotsfree, it will be set to lotsfree instead. Setting cachefree equal to lotsfree is equivalent to not having priority paging enabled. Priority paging, as described here, is implemented in Solaris 7 FCS. Priority paging will not help systems running applications which perform sequential access to filesystem data, since sequential access performs page free-behind by default. Enabling priority paging may cause scan rates well in excess of those which would previously have considered a problem (300+); the new algorithm causes the page scanner to start sooner, and when freemem is in the range between lotsfree and cachefree, it has to scan more pages because some are not eligible for removal. APPLIES TO: Hardware, Operating Systems/Solaris/Solaris 2.x, AFO Vertical Team Docs, AFO Vertical Team Docs/Kernel